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Information for High School Families on 2020 Keystone Exams

Posted on September 28, 2020

Categories: High School News

Greetings Manheim Township High School Students & Parents/Guardians: 

All Manheim Township students in the Classes of 2022 and beyond (2023, 2024, 2025, etc.) will be held to the graduation requirements of both the MTSD Educational Planning Guide and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). This includes requiring that every student in these classes meets one of PDE’s Pathways to Graduation

The most commonly used Pathway to Graduation is the completion of the state mandated Keystone Exams in Algebra, Literature, and Biology. These exams will be held at Manheim Township High School & Manheim Township Middle School between September 29 and October 16, 2020. Please continue reading to determine the impact of these exams on your student’s schedule during these weeks. 

When will the Keystone Exams occur? 

There are a total of four school days when Keystone testing will take place at the high school. Makeup exams will be given during the normal school day. Each test consists of two modules. 


  • Thursday, 10/1/20 – Literature Module 1, Algebra Module 1 
  • Friday, 10/2/20 – Literature Module 2, Algebra Module 2 
  • Tuesday, 10/6/20 – Biology Module 1 
  • Wednesday, 10/7/20 – Biology Module 2 

IF YELLOW: Revised schedule will be communicated, if needed/necessary. 

If a student is absent during a testing block, he or she will be required to make up the test on a date and time determined by the high school administration. 

Does my student need to test? 

All students in the graduating classes of 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025 will need to take the Keystone Exam for Algebra, Literature, and Biology at the conclusion of those three courses. Therefore, if your student took Algebra I, 10th Grade English (Literature), and/or Biology during the 2019-2020 school year, your student will need to test. 

**IMPORTANT: This requirement also applies to all Manheim Township students enrolled in MT Flex remote learning and the Manheim Township Virtual Academy. Students engaged in these programs will be required to report to school face to face during the testing blocks. 

Can my student opt out of testing? 

Parents do have the right to opt their student(s) out of taking the Keystone Exams, however, the student will still be required to meet one of PDE’s Pathways to Graduation. Students who opt out will need to meet all of the requirements of either Pathway 3, 4, or 5 to graduate, since they will be ineligible for Pathways 1 or 2. 

Parents who wish to opt their student out of the Keystone Exams must follow these steps: 

  1. Submit a written request to Mr. John Loose, HS Assistant Principal, prior to the scheduled administration date; this request is due on Monday, September 28.
  2. Write the request to the attention of Dr. Robin Felty, Superintendent, and include the student’s full name, grade level and scheduled Keystone subject(s).
  3. Include a parent/guardian signature, address and phone number.

How can I request district transportation for my MT Flex remote learner or Manheim Township Virtual Academy student for the testing days? 

Information on requesting district transportation will be sent in a communication to follow. 

Parents may choose to provide their own transportation for MT Flex remote learners or Manheim Township Virtual Academy students, or they may request district transportation. 

Parents providing transportation must have their students in their testing location at school by 7:30 am on each day of testing. 

Where does my student report for testing? 

Students should report to their assigned test room each morning of the testing. 

MT Flex remote learners and Manheim Township Virtual Academy students will be assigned to a testing room prior to the first day of testing. Parents and students will receive these specific testing locations by September 28. 

What happens on these days if my student is NOT testing? 

Students who are not testing on the special delay-schedule testing days may: 

  1. Opt to report on-time using parent or district-provided transportation (and report to the Cafeteria for assignment to a study hall for the duration of the testing time), OR
  2. They may opt (with parent permission, no note required, and using non-district transportation) to report at the delayed start time (Period 1 will begin at 10:00 a.m.)

Those students opting to report late are to come to the Cafeteria entrance and be seated in the Cafeteria until testing concludes and all students are permitted to move in the halls to report to their first class of the day. Students who are late for their first class will be reported as tardy. Students opting to report late are reminded to leave plenty of time to arrive at school, get prepared for class, and be seated in their first class prior to 10:00 a.m. Again, transportation will not be provided for students who opt to report late. 

What is the daily schedule for students who are testing? 

Students who are testing will report to school at the “regular” time on all testing days. 

  • Thursday, October 1, 2020 – 7:30 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.
    • Literature Keystone, Module 1 AND Algebra Keystone, Module 1
    • After testing, all students will follow a regular day schedule using an adjusted bell schedule
  • Friday, October 2, 2020 – 7:30 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.
    • Literature Keystone, Module 2 AND Algebra Keystone, Module 2
    • After testing, all students will follow a regular day schedule using an adjusted bell schedule
  • Tuesday, October 6, 2020 – 7:30 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.
    • Biology, Module 1
    • After testing, all students will follow the remainder of their regular day schedule using an adjusted bell schedule
  • Wednesday, October 7, 2020 – 7:30 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.
    • Biology, Module 2
    • After testing, all students will follow the remainder of their regular day schedule using an adjusted bell schedule

Keystone Adjusted Daily Bell Schedule 

7:30 am             Students are to be in their testing rooms
7:30-7:40 am – Proctors go over the administration of the tests and distribute materials
7:40-9:45 am – Test time
9:45-9:50 am – Escort students to extra time location if needed
9:50 am –          Dismiss students who have completed the test 

Pd. 1- 10:00- 10:35 am (5 minutes for announcements/attendance at end of period)
Pd. 2- 10:40- 11:10 am
Pd. 3- 11:15- 11:45 am 

Lunch A- 11:50- 12:15                    Pd. 4A- 11:50- 12:20                  Pd. 4A- 11:50- 12:20
Pd. 4B- 12:20- 12:50                      Lunch B- 12:25- 12:50               Pd. 5B- 12:25- 12:55
Pd. 5C- 12:55- 1:25                         Pd. 5C- 12:55- 1:25                     Lunch C- 1:00- 1:25 

Pd. 6- 1:30- 1:58 pm
Pd. 7- 2:03- 2:30 pm 

What happens to MT Flex remote learners or Manheim Township Virtual Academy students after the testing block? 

MT Flex remote learners and Manheim Township Virtual Academy students have two choices. These students may: 

  1. Opt to sign out and dismiss from the school office using non-district transportation and leave after their testing block is finished, OR
  2. They may remain at school in a study hall to work on their virtual coursework and take district-provided transportation home at the end of the school day. Students who choose this option may also sign up to receive lunch.

Other Important Information about the Keystone Exams: 

  1. All students will be required to wear masks and observe social distancing during the testing and at any time they move throughout the school building (ex: hallways, bathroom breaks, lunch, etc.)
  2. The Exams will be taken on the students’ iPads. Students will need to bring their iPad fully charged on all testing days. Students should also bring their charger just in case they need to plug in.
  3. All students are permitted as much time as they need to complete each module.
  4. Possession of other electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc.) could result in tests being invalidated. If any test material is compromised, students/families could be responsible for the cost of replacing compromised test items.

If you or your student have any other questions or concerns about the Keystone Exams, please contact Mr. John Loose, HS Assistant Principal at or 717-560-3097.