Manheim Township School District, Our Mission: nurture and challenge for success, logo is also displayed


We hope you had an enjoyable summer, and are looking forward to the upcoming school year. Our first day of school for students in Grades 1-12 is Monday, August 26; Kindergarten in our six elementary schools begins on Tuesday, August 27. 

The information posted on this page is an overview of helpful information to prepare your family for the school year.

District Office Leadership Team

  • Dr. Dale Reimann, Acting Superintendent
  • Dr. Kelly Cartwright, Interim Assistant Superintendent
  • Mrs. Donna Robbins, Chief Operating Officer
  • Ms. Linda Long, Supervisor of Multilingual Learning
  • Mr. Paul Barr, Supervisor of Secondary Special Education
  • Ms. Kelly Price, Director of Food Services
  • Mrs. Maddalena DiMarco-Beard, Supervisor of Elementary Special Education
  • Mrs. Jaclyn Dudzic, Supervisor of Health Services
  • Mr. Matthew Gillis, Director of Transportation
  • Mr. Tom Koch, Director of Plant Services
  • Mrs. Kelley Romyn, Supervisor of Math and Virtual Learning
  • Mr. Dan Lyons, Director of Technology Services
  • Mrs. Amber Mentz, Director of Special Education
  • Mrs. Jennifer Davidson, Director of Communications and Marketing
  • Mrs. Courtney Nowak, Director of Student Services
  • Mrs. Bette Oberle, Director of Safety, Security and Custodial Services
  • Mrs. Jessica O’Gorman, Supervisor of K-12 English Language Arts & Federal Programs
  • Dr. Sharon Schaefer, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
  • Mrs. Jennifer Snyderman, Business Manager
  • Ms. Katherine Ward, Director of Human Resources, Title IX Coordinator 

Our Schools

Brecht Elementary
Mrs. Amanda Munsin, Principal

Bucher Elementary
Dr. Andrew Martin, Principal

Neff Elementary
Mr. Taylor Good, Principal

Nitrauer Elementary
Mr. Dana Schrodel, Principal

Reidenbaugh Elementary
Mrs. Lindsay Long, Principal

Schaeffer Elementary
Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, Principal

Landis Run Intermediate School
Dr. William Gillis, Principal
Mrs. Alexis Yakstis-Startoni, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Amy Houck, Assistant Principal

Middle School
Dr. Christine Resh, Principal
Dr. Andrew Hull, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kara Frazier, Assistant Principal

High School
Mr. David Rilatt, Principal
Mrs. Lisa Lyons, Assistant Principal
Ms. Tara Newhouse, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Laura Rakoczy, Assistant Principal
Mr. Matthew Johns, Dean of Students
Mr. Tim Hollenback, Athletic Director
Ms. Amanda Rhinier, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director


School Hours                                                                                         Early Dismissals
High School (9th-12th)                         7:30 am-2:30 pm                                 12:35 pm

Middle School (7th-8th)                       7:25 am-2:30 pm                                 12:35 pm

Landis Run (5th-6th)                            8:00 am-3:15 pm                                   1:15 pm

Elementary (K-4th)                              9:00 am-3:40 pm                                   1:40 pm

MT Board of School Directors
Mrs. Sara Woodbury, President
Mr. Patrick Grenter, Vice President
Mr. Mark Boldizar
Dr. Terrance Henderson
Mrs. Joann Hentz
Mrs. Erin Hoffman
Ms. Cindy Lam
Mr. Michael Landis
Mrs. Kim Romano
Mrs. Colleen Marshall, School Board Secretary (Non-voting member)

Board Work Sessions: Second Thursday of each month – 7:00 p.m. (Except July and December)
Board Meetings: Third Thursday of each month – 7:00 p.m. (Except July)

Location: School Board Work Sessions and School Board Meetings are held at the District Office unless otherwise noted. The public is invited to attend both the Work Session and the School Board meetings. Meeting agendas may be found on the website, under School Board, the week of the scheduled meeting.

Sapphire Community Portal
Manheim Township School District uses our Sapphire parent/guardian contact Information to send important communications via email and phone calls. If there have been changes to your parent contact information, and you have not updated your contact information in the Sapphire Community Portal, you may not receive important information that could be pertinent to your student.

In an effort to make sure that you don’t miss any important communications, please login to your Sapphire Community Portal to verify the contact information for your student is accurate and up-to-date, including the emergency contact phone numbers designated for your student. If you need to add or delete a contact, please contact Kelly Gillis at
Thank you in advance for helping to ensure that our teachers and administrators have accurate information to continue to communicate with all of our families.

Bus Information
Bus routing information will be uploaded to the Sapphire Community Portal  by mid-August. Students may only ride on their assigned buses and only Manheim Township students are permitted to ride the buses.  A student needs written authorization from the district to ride on any bus except the one to which he or she is assigned. Please contact the Transportation Department for assistance with alternate transportation arrangements.

Students should be at their designated stop ten minutes before the scheduled pick up time. Please be patient the first several days of school as buses generally run behind schedule 

The District encourages adult supervision at the bus stop for younger students or new riders. The District also recommends a yearly review of safety concerns with your children. Students are expected to follow the same behavior guidelines on the bus as they do in their school. Audio and video recorders are on each vehicle and any inappropriate behavior may result in the revocation of bus riding privileges. The cooperation of the contractor, drivers, parents, students, and administration is critical for the safe and efficient operation of our transportation service.

Please contact Brightbill Transportation with timing concerns at 717-519-1506. All other concerns should be directed to the MTSD Transportation Department at

School Breakfast and Lunch
Nutritious and Affordable Meals Provided

Manheim Township School District is committed to providing our students and staff with high-quality nutritious and affordable school meals that meet or exceed National School Lunch and Breakfast Program guidelines.

The Food Services Department uses SchoolCafe as our online payment system.  SchoolCafe is your one-stop-shop to make payments, view transaction histories, set purchase restrictions, and apply for free/reduced meals. Please note, there is a convenience fee to use SchoolCafe for payments. This is charged and collected by SchoolCafe, not the District. Download the SchoolCafe app from the App Store or Google Play.  You can access the website at Families are encouraged to view online instructions on how to register with SchoolCafe and  payments, access school breakfast and lunch menus,  and sign up to receive the menus directly to your email address.

As always, our school cafeterias accept checks or cash payments.  Please send payments in a sealed envelope with your child’s full name written on the envelope/check memo line.  Please make the check payable to MTSD Cafeteria Fund.  Elementary and Landis Run students turn payments into their homeroom teacher.  A lock box is provided for Middle School and High School students to drop off payments.

Meal Prices:
Elementary Breakfast: $FREE
LRIS, MS, HS Breakfast: $FREE
Free & Reduced Breakfast: $FREE
Elementary Lunch: $2.55
LRIS/MS Lunch: $2.80
HS Lunch: $2.85
Reduced Lunch: $FREE

Extracurricular Activities
All students that live in the district have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities offered by the district.

Inclement Weather Information
The announcement of school delays or closings will be posted to the district’s website, mobile app, and Facebook/Twitter page, as well as reported on the following local radio and television stations on or before 7:00 am:

FM Radio
WARM 103.3
FUN-FM 101.3
WJTL-FM 90.3
WITF-FM 89.5 (Harrisburg) 99.9 (Lancaster)
WDAC- 94.5 FM


When weather conditions develop during the day and the district decides to close schools early, high school and middle school students will be dismissed first, followed by Landis Run students and then elementary students. Parents of elementary students should have an emergency plan prepared in case of an early dismissal.

We always keep the safety of our students and staff forefront in our decision-making, however sometimes, as we all know, the weather throws us a curve ball.  Please remember to always check our website, mobile app, and social media to receive up-to-date information on closings and delays.

MTSD is active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow us for student news, school reminders, weather announcements and community events.