Manheim Township School District, Our Mission: nurture and challenge for success, logo is also displayed


The MTSD Mural

Manheim Township High School Art Students Create Artistic Mural of MTSD

The mural will permanently be on display in the lobby of the District Office.

An idea was born in the summer of 2017. MTSD Superintendent Dr. Robin Felty approached our MTHS Art teacher, Mr. Matt Jones, with the idea of having a mural created by our extremely talented art students.

Mr. Jones suggested a mural that focused on the schools throughout our district painted together as one. The mural would highlight the concept that Manheim Township may be a district with nine school buildings, but we are a community of one!

Mr. Jones spent some time that summer taking photographs of our school buildings and began to sketch a design that he believed would work. In September of 2017, he handed the concept over to a group of talented seniors in his art class: Andrew Sumpman Braas, Sydney Good, Morgan Greenberg, Janna Hilliard, Bianca Rosales, Kaelie Sevast, and Madison Vaughen.

Initial rough sketch of Manheim Township School District mural Initial rough sketch of Manheim Township School District mural

The five students finalized the design on paper and transferred the design to a large panel. The colors chosen were blue, black and white paint to produce a monochromatic color scheme. The students decided to mix five different values of blue, and paint different sections of the buildings a different value to show the depth and individual school buildings with clear lines. The last step in this process was to include a stencil of the names of the buildings.

MTHS Art Students begin work on the MTSD Mural
MTHS Art Students begin work on the MTSD Mural
An MTHS Art Student applies paint to the MTSD Mural
An MTHS Art Student applies paint to the MTSD Mural
An MTHS Art Student applies paint to the MTSD Mural
The MTSD Mural begins to come together
Work continues on the MTSD Mural
Work continues on the MTSD Mural

This dedicated group of five students (with some help from fellow students when time and schedules permitted) spent time after school, on their own free time, to create this beautiful art mural throughout the Fall of 2017.

Proud MTHS Art Students stand with their artwork Proud MTHS Art Students stand with their artwork

It was presented to the Manheim Township School Board of Directors at the February 15, 2018 School Board of Directors Meeting. The artwork currently is on display in the lobby of the Manheim Township School District Office.

The plaque celebrating the MTSD Mural. The plaque reads: Manheim Township High School Artwork. Andrew Sumpman Braas, Sydney Good, Morgan Greenberg, Janna Hilliard, Bianca Rosales, Kaelie Sevast, and Madison Vaughen. Presented to the Manheim Township School Board on February 15, 2018 Proud MTHS Art Students stand with their artwork

A full view of the MTSD Mural

A full view of the MTSD Mural